Molly and Matthew,

I had no idea there was a new Pixies album out. I didn’t think I could ever love no Kim Deal Pixies but I really like this new one.

The Pixies were my post divorce freedom band. Their sound strikes a very happy place in me.

So, thanks!

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Molly and Matthew..! Such a fun and interesting conversation. I had to get a glass of wine and a dark truffle to enjoy. Have been a fan of Mollys back in the orangette days and enjoy spilled milk podcast but need to catch up! Pixies! Matthew I’m a big music lover too thank you for sharing about that! I still go to shows and it feeds me! Just went to LA in July the Orpheum and I’m 68!

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That's wonderful, Susan! Hope to continue doing the same. Who did you see at the Orpheum?

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Ryan Adams

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Really really loved this. Been a loooooong time spilled milk listener and I always listen to it the day it comes out.

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I love this, I love Matthew, and I love you. Listening to Spilled Milk makes my week, and led me to this...*gestures wildly*...newsletter? I guess?...that is almost the serious counterpart to the podcast.

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This was wonderful and timely as I struggle with the same topics in my late 30s. Thank you Molly and Matthew, you 1000% have been net positives in my life.

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Thank you for this! I am a dedicated listener to Spilled Milk, and I feel like I could hear you having this conversation.

The navigation of striving and money and finding the things in my life I want to focus my time on has been a subject of rumination for me recently, and this was a timely exploration of that.

Also, thank you both for sharing your friendship with us all. I have been influenced many a time by your joint joy (most recently in the direction of Pepperidge Farm Butter Crisps - I loved, husband less so). I appreciate your sincerity - it feels like a gift these days.

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I read this on the eve of my 35th birthday and enjoyed every bit of it. Thank you both for the humor, kindness, and meaning you add to the world.

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Very much enjoyed reading your conversation with Matthew. It has echoed a lot of thoughts I've been thinking about these past few weeks/months (creativity, friendship, what do I value in life, being okay with not constantly striving for the next thing).

As a creative person, I've been thinking a lot about how energetically creative I used to be in my early 20s as I approach 30 lol. And now I can't really do that anymore. But I love the idea of still being creative but also being formulaic. I'm definitely a lot more confident as a creative person at almost 30 but also value being methodical and taking my time. Quality over quantity. I always know I'll improve and grow but that doesn't mean I have to be innovative every single time.

I've been listening to Spilled Milk since 2014. I discovered it at a time when I had just broken up with my 5-year LDR boyfriend and I have loyally listened to it ever since. It's a comfort listen to me. I always know what to expect and I always know I'm going to laugh or learn something interesting. :)

PS: You must have also talked to Matthew yesterday 10/10/22 not 10/10/20? I can't imagine he went to Calgary in the middle of the pandemic! But I totally get still thinking it's still 2020... what a wacky last few years!

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Kara, it was yesterday, yes! 2020 was a typo -- fixed it on the web version, but too late for the email version. xx!

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No worries, Molly! I think we are all a bit traumatized thinking about the year 2020. Have a great day!

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Reading this made my night. I've just turned 40 and I'm struggling so much with where to spend my time and effort. Much of my life has been spent striving towards the next career step, but now I'm trying to decide how far I want to go and how I can find a steady-state where I'm generally enjoying how I spend my time. And how do I make sure that I'm spending time on the other parts of my life that bring me joy. Thank you for sharing this conversation!

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You’re not alone here, Jill!!

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